Our People

Sells Agency is made up of dynamic individuals who bring passion and expertise to every project, transforming ideas into impactful campaigns that resonate with audiences far and wide. Our diverse group of talented individuals share a common goal – to elevate our clients’ brands and tell their unique story.

We believe in the power of collaboration and the strength of diversity. Our team members bring their unique background, interests, perspectives, expertise and ideas to the table each and every day. We work as a team to bring all of these elements together in collaboration with one another to work toward a common goal – success for our clients. Because at the end of the day, we respect and trust each other and we know that our clients are putting their trust in us – something we take very seriously.

At the core of our values is delivering exceptional customer service and we’re dedicated to building lasting client relationships. We are our clients’ partners in success, understanding their goals and working tirelessly to exceed expectations. Our team is passionate about the work that we do, who we do it for and the way we do it – with integrity.

We’d like for you to meet the exceptional team of creative visionaries and strategic thinkers who make our agency tick.

Get to know the Sells Agency family.

Director of Account Services
Executive Creative Director
Interactive Designer
Partner, Pixel Perfect Creative
Kristen Burgeis
Kristen Burgeis
Senior Account Executive
Lamor Williams
L. Lamor Williams, APR
Director of Public Relations
Landrey White
Landrey White
Senior Project Director
Rob O'Connor
Senior Public Relations Manager
Christa Lavender
Christa Lavender
Social Media Director
Chris Williams
Chris Williams
Account Executive
Caity Hatchett
Caity Hatchett
Associate Account Executive
Lauren Myrick
Account Coordinator
Vince Griffin
Vince Griffin
Senior Art Director
Erin Green
Erin Green
Art Director
Molly Morrison
Molly Morrison
James Garvin
James Garvin
Heather Meek
Heather Meek
Media Director
Suzanne Palmer
Senior Media Planner/Buyer
Haylee Nichols
Haylee Nichols
Media Planner/Buyer
Makayla Morris
Makayla Morris
Media Specialist
Rachel Arnold
Rachel Arnold, CPA
Director of Finance
Amanda Harris
Amanda Harris
Office Manager/Billing Specialist