02.15.2019 Blog

Benefits of an Internship with the Sells Agency

Some people think internships are summer-sucking jobs that require pouring coffee and making copies while you watch the world pass you by from inside your cubicle. Okay, maybe there are some businesses out there that give internships a bad name - but NOT here!

At the Sells Agency, our interns become part of the team…on Day 1. Here are some reasons why we are strong believers in internships.

Expand your network

It is often said: ‘it’s not about what you know; it’s about who you know’. Internships provide opportunities for you to get to know people in the industry. What better way can you interact with industry peeps that you can use as references, sounding boards or the occasional name-drop during an interview? Having a good set of industry contacts is vital in helping you find and secure a job after you graduate. And don’t forget about the possibility of meeting fellow internees. Forging a relationship with peers in your industry is just as important for building your network before graduation.

Rise above the competition

Let’s face it, it's hard for a hiring manager to understand what applicable skills you learned in “Advanced Business Theory”, BUT an internship shows a certain level of real-world experience that is sure to peek anyone’s attention. The job market is incredibly competitive, so having a resumé that includes actual industry experience is sure to be a valuable asset.

No such thing as a wasted internship

What if you hate your career choice at the end of the internship? Internships really are a win-win situation. They can help you decide if a particular career or area is or isn’t for you, and help narrow down the (often long) list of careers that you are interested in. Spending a summer realizing that a particular career isn’t the best option puts you one step closer to finding out what is right for you!

If you feel like an internship is the next step in your career journey, apply for the Sells Agency Summer Internship Program. This is the perfect place for those wanting a fun experience while gaining industry experience. We are currently accepting applications for 2019 interns through February 22.